Choose your roofer wisely!
For those of us trying to save money here and there, we would urge you to pick the right purchases to save money on. Perhaps a lawnmower or a play-set. A roofing project is not something you want to take your chances on, crossing your fingers that the contractor will do their job right. Find a reputable company with integrity because otherwise you could be subject to some scary consequences.
These homeowners in this news story are so grateful that Mike was here to show them the errors with their roof installation, but we are so bothered that it had to be assessed in the first place. Sadly this is more common than you think. Homeowners need to be able to trust their contractor. So sad that these homeowners are going through this.
Hold your wallets tight everyone. Do not sign a contract with a company just because their price is low. Also don't sign a contract with a company just because they're on the high end either. Just because they are expensive does not mean they are good. Some companies charge a lot because they've been around for a while. Oh goodness i could go on and on telling you all of the in's and out's of this industry, but i'll leave it at this; Find someone with a commitment to excellence. That's worth every penny in the end.
Speaking of pennies...DEPOSITS: do NOT give a deposit to a contractor!! Work should be paid out when the contract is completed in full. If you found a reputable company who runs their business with integrity then they will not demand a deposit. They'll have the money in the bank to cover the material and they'll expect to be paid when they did their job fully. Giving a deposit before a job is completed takes your family's power away and puts your bank account at risk.
Be smart out there friends.

MTR Inc.