We are VELUX Certified !
Why invest in a Skylight?
Skylights offer a relatively inexpensive, non invasive way to enhance the design and style of your home. The first and obvious benefit you'll find is more light. Adding natural light can make a small space look like a large space in a matter of a few hours.
Reach out to us today and Mike will have a look at your space to offer perspective
Workmanship warranty 20 years
Sun Tunnels
TMF Pitched Flexible Model (TMF)Flexible tunnel makes installation easy - a pitched flashing provides the best daylight capture from all angles
Why invest in a Sun Tunnel?
Sun Tunnels are fast to install, low cost, and as you can see from a few of our previously installed sun tunnels below; change the room drastically.
Workmanship warranty 20 years
"I don't turn my kitchen light on until after dark. I love my new skylight!"
- Sandra 2019
Happy Homeowner
Pitched Rigid Model (TMR) A highly reflective rigid tunnel provides the brightest light - a pitched flashing provides the best daylight capture from all angles.
Low Profile Rigid Model (TGR) a highly reflective rigid tunnel provides the brightest light - a low profile flashing blends well with the roof line.
Low Profile Flexible (TGF) Flexible tunnel makes installation easy - a low profile flashing blends well with the roof line.
15 Year Workmanship Warranty